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What is Asthma?


Asthma is a common condition affecting both adults and children which can cause cough, wheeze, tightness of the chest and breathlessness.  


If you have received a diagnosis of asthma we encourage you to undergo an annual assessment with our Specialist team to ensure that you are on the correct inhaler treatment. 


Currently we are calling our patients for telephone review appointments. In order to help us with your review we will send you a link to an asthma questionnaire via text message (AccuRx) in advance of the appointment and leave out a prescription for a peak flow meter.  If you do not have a smart phone and prefer to complete the questionnaire via website please follow the link below.


If your symptoms are deteriorating or you are concerned about your breathing please contact the Surgery by phone for further advice. 



Inhaler technique

Inhaler technique is very important to ensure your asthma treatment is optimised. 


There are many different devices used in asthma.  Our Asthma Nurse can check your inhaler technique during your appointment.  It may be helpful to watch the videos on the website. 

Image by Julia Engel

Smoking and Asthma

One of the best things you can do to improve your asthma, or your child's asthma is to give up smoking. 


Further information about smoking and asthma can be found here


Follow this link to find out about local Stop Smoking services

Doctor Checking a Form

Asthma Questionnaire

If you have been given an appointment to attend an Asthma Clinic, we will gather information in advance of the appointment using a questionnaire via text message to your phone.  If you do not have a smartphone you can complete this questionnaire.


This information will help us assess how well controlled your asthma is.


Please only submit this information when asked to do so by the practice.

Peak flow

Peak flow is a measure of how quickly you can blow air out of your lungs. If your airways are narrowed (eg if your asthma is not as well controlled as it should be), your Peak Flow level will be lower than expected (calculated using your age / gender and height).


We use Peak Flow meters to help make a diagnosis of asthma, as well as to help us decide if your asthma is well enough controlled. 


Sometimes it can be helpful to keep a peak flow diary by recording readings every day in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. Here is a link to a Peak flow Diary


Here is a video demonstrating how to measure your peak flow (we can prescribe a peak flow meter from the Surgery)

Kings Square, Kings Road, Belfast BT5 7BP, Northern Ireland

Tel: 0280 9040 1844

© 2023 by Cherryvalley Group Practice.

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